types of error are typically investigated by asking test persons to form judgments
about various ficitious situations. It seems to me that in some cases one may question
whether the tests actually reveal what they are taken to reveal. They suffer
from what might be called the distance between class-room dialogues and real conversations.
(On this compare my earlier blog on experimental philosophy.)
following example comes from the work of Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman, two
leading proponents of this branch of research (quoted in the Wikipedia article).
Test persons were given the following character sketch of a woman called Linda:
"31 years old, single, outspoken, and very bright. She majored in
philosophy. As a student, she was deeply concerned with issues of
discrimination and social justice, and also participated in anti-nuclear demonstrations".
They were then asked to rank the probability of certain facts about Linda,
among others "Linda is a bank teller" and, "Linda is a bank
teller and is active in the feminist movement".
persons tended to consider the latter description more probable. The answer is
wrong, we are told, because a single assertion of the form “L is X” is always
more probable than a conjunction of the form “L is X and Y”. The error supposedly
shows a cognitive bias (of the kind called the “conjunction fallacy”). What
trips people up, apparently, is the fact that the description of Linda is more
likely to fit someone who is an active feminist than someone who is a bank
it seems to me that that is not the relevant comparison. We are told that Linda is a bank teller, so
the likelihood of her being one plays no role in the context. There seems to me
to be a more plausible explanation: if we are given the alternatives (1) “Linda
is a bank teller FULL STOP” and (2) “Linda is a bank teller and active in the
feminist movement”, the natural way to read (1) is as implying that Linda is not active in the feminist movement. So
what we will actually be comparing, in all likelihood, are the descriptions “Linda
is a bank teller but she is not active in the feminist movement” and “Linda is
a bank teller and she is active in the feminist movement”. In other words, her
being a bank teller drops out of consideration altogether: we are simply comparing
the likelihoods that she might or might not be an active feminist; and, given
her background, the latter comes to sound a fairly plausible alternative. (One
might even think that, given that she is a bank teller, she will need other
outlets for her civic involvement; maybe she even chose her trade in order to to
have time for political activities.)
there are such things as cognitive biases, and some of the tests carried out in
this field might accordingly be revealing. But often a kind of smart-alecky attitude
shines through in the manner ordinary forms of reasoning are being shown up, as
though the only way of judging a claim is in accordance with the principles of propositional
logic or probability calculus. This makes for a deafness to the endless subtleties
of actual human conversation. That is a serious drawback, for it is, after all,
the reasoning of people in everyday contexts that one purports to be studying.